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All The Gear Article about all the gear used by Hank.
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Betty Lou Site with Chords, Midi files, Lyrics and some utube video links of Oldies. Well worth a look!
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Charlie Hall's EFTP patches Charlie is the author of EFTP which Hank used up until Paul and the TVS team developed the TVS3. His site now has over 2700 members and is broader than just Shadows music. It includes a lot of interesting related technical subjects.
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E-Chords Huge library of Chord charts for a genre of songs. Also chord shape charts.
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Fiesta Red Shadows Cover Band from Heidelburgh
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Gorans Backing Tracks Lots of Backing Tracks, Tabs and Chords for Instrumentals
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Jack Good's 'Oh-Boy' Site with information and Photos about Cliff and the Shadows before they were Cliff and The Shadows.
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Leo's Den All things to do with Cliff and the Shadows. CD's, DVD's, Backing Tracks, Books, Posters, Calendars and memorobilia.
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Ozzie Trax Backing Tracks from 'Turning Point'. Select from ready made CD's or single tracks. Also Backing Tracks made to order. Good value.
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Shadows Music Club Perth A Great Bulletin Board where you can post your own renditions and discuss Shadows and instrumental related topics.
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The Friends Of Pete Korving Pete Korvings Bulletin Board - Sound Files/Backing Tracks
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The Shadow Music Website UK Bulletin Board and extensive links to other Shadows Clubs and Boards.
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Guitar Wiring Site This site show diagrams of guitar circuitry and wiring modifications for various guitar types.
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Berkshire Shadows Club UK UK website of Berkshire Shadows Club. Some Chord charts, Tabs, Bass tabs and backing tracks if you register.
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Songstube.net Songstube.net is a utube type site that has links to various artists videos. Very interesting!
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Surf Guitar 101 A web site dedicated to Surf Music. Has discussions on gear, guitars, amps, drums etc. Check out their podcasts and hear some really great tunes! Also features news and articles on the surf scene.
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