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The Shadows
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# Article Title Author Hits
1 Chelsea Boot (1967) Phillip Appel 1004
2 Jigsaw / Wonderful Land (1967) Phillip Appel 946
3 Nivram (1964) Phillip Appel 1013
4 Last Train To Clarkesville (1968) Phillip Appel 993
5 The Warlord - 1965 Phillip Appel 1851
6 Big B Phillip Appel 1028
7 The Savage - 1961 Phillip Appel 1013
8 The Boys Phillip Appel 1016
9 In The Mood - 1964 Phillip Appel 951
10 Bombay Duck - Dance On Phillip Appel 1018
11 The Rise And Fall Of Flingel Bunt Phillip Appel 998
12 F.B.I. - 1961 Phillip Appel 1000
13 Wonderful Land Phillip Appel 976
14 Foot Tapper The Guru 47 1256
15 Moonlight Shadow The Guru 47 1135
16 Apache - 1964 The Guru 47 1179

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